Folder Structure for Software Download Location is too long

1. During the initial setup CSM for MECM/WSUS can notify that the folder structure of specified Software Download Location is too long. This is because Windows has a limit of 256 characters for folder structures.

2. If you are positive that your folder structure in a local folder or in an UNC location will not reach 256 characters you can bypass this restriction:

  • During the setup specify a temporary shorter location.
  • After the setup open C:\ProgramData\Centero\Software Manager\PackageDownloader\PackageDownloader.xml with a text editor.
  • Specify the wanted location and folder structure to the XML-file within the tags
    • <MediaLocation>C:\folder\location\example\structure\Documents\[ApplicationPublisher] [ApplicationName] [ApplicationVersion][ApplicationLanguage] [ApplicationArchitecture]\01 Media</MediaLocation>
    • <DocumentationLocation>C:\folder\location\example\structure\Documents\[ApplicationPublisher] [ApplicationName] [ApplicationVersion] [ApplicationLanguage] [ApplicationArchitecture]\</DocumentationLocation>